Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Temple Square!

We went to Temple Square on Monday in SLC, and I fall in love every single time. The sights and sounds speak for themselves. The funny part of the day was the we were in the North Visitors center and of course my mom likes to talk to all the sister missionaries, and there is one that was from France. Of course my mom likes to brag that my 4 years in high school were spent speaking French, so she starts talking to me and I laugh and reply in my broken French. Of course I told her I had no one to practice with in French so I can only pick up on a couple words here and there. So totally understood me and made me feel like I shouldn't give up hope! Thank You Madame Secrist for teaching me basic communication, so I am able to feel a little bit better and smarter about myself. Ne me quittes pas! Tu vuex m'aider avec mon francias?!! Anyone Anyone?? Yeah. Hear My cry lol!

Anyways here are some pics of our day Taken by me and my mom!

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