Friday, January 21, 2011

Nothing New Happening!

Molly our puppy is getting big! She's like the size of a full grown Maltese, and she's only 10 weeks old! So she might be bigger then I thought. Oh well we love her and we are keeping her! I haven't been up to much! Just trying to get an apartment! But so far nothing is pet friendly and if it is pet friendly its like $1,000 a month which lets face it, I'm not bringing in that kind of money myself!
Work is great! Lili and I have just been hanging out a lot!!
Oh I sold my car! I need more money in my pocket, I thought it would be easier to get a new car after I had all this cash, but it's been just as hard as when I bought the Mazda!

I love my Mac by the way! It's like the best thing I ever bought!!

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